30th Annual Ijtema Report
The National Ijtema of Majlis Ansarullah Nederland was held on Friday the 7th Saturday the 8th, and Sunday the 9th July 2017 at Bait-un-Noor, Nunspeet. The theme of the Ijtema was “Nahno Ansarullah”.
Planning and Preparation of Ijtema
Naseer Ahmad Tahir sahib, Naib Sadr Awal was appointed by Sadr Majlis as Nazim e Ala for the Ijtema. In total 31 Nazims and departments were created and approved for the event. Members were involved across all three regions for various tasks.
Initial planning for the event included;
- A letter was written to Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih (may Allah strengthen his hand) requesting prayers.
- The Red Book from 2016 and earlier was discussed and ideas included in the planning to accommodate the recommendations.
- At the first phase, essential documents were prepared i.e. General Planning of Ijtema, Programme of Ijtema, details of Academic and Sports Competition, Individual Files of all 31 departments and Budget of Expenditure.
- For Tasks & Duties, Individual meetings with all Nazimeen started and their responsibilities documented and outlined.
- Several planning meetings were held for the duration of the planning.
Attendance Campaign
A concerted effort was made to encourage members of the Majlis to join this year. The effort included;
- All Ansar brothers were informed about 6 months prior about the Ijtema, directly and through local Zuama Majalis.
- During the Jalsa Salana of Jama’at NL in April 2017, announcements were made, and details of Academic and Sports Competition were distributed. A card of the Ijtema was also distributed at the event.
- A printed invitation card was posted to all Ansar them about the Ijtema.
- A second letter was sent by Sadr Majlis through which all the Ansar were informed about the dates of Ijtema, this letter included detailed syllabus for academic and sports competitions.
- A poster was designed and exhibited in the mosques specifying the activities of Ijtema.
- A list was prepared and special letters were sent to those Ansar who were absent in the previous Ijtema in last two years, encouraging them to participate this year.
- A list was prepared and personal visits made by Local Zuama to those Ansar who were absent in last two years.
- All Ansar brothers were also contacted via telephone by the Central Nazim Attendance
- In addition. all Ansar brothers were contacted via telephone by the Central Nazim Travel to determine travel arrangements.
- Announcements were made in mosques three weeks prior to Ijtema.
- A message was sent to all Ansar brothers through email along with programme of Ijtema by Sadr Majlis reminding Ansar about the Ijtema.
- On first day Ijtema local Zuama contacted Ansar brothers who are not present.
Preparation of Site & Ijtema Gah
An intensive Waqar-e-Amal was organised on Wednesday the 5th and Thursday the 6th July at the Baitun Noer, Ijtema Gah was organized during which the whole site was prepared for the event. This was the first time that a separate area was prepared and organised for the Majlis Ansarullah Exhibition.
Day One
Registration of the event started at 11 AM in the morning. The site was toured (inspection) by Sadr Majlis Ansarullah Nederland where the various areas and preparations were reviewed.Friday Prayers were performed at 1 PM, after which all the gathered members of the Majlis listened to the Friday Sermon of Huzur Aqdas (may Allah strengthen his hand) being transmitted from Baitul Futuh Mosque in London.
Flag hosting ceremony:
At 15.45 Amir Sahib Jamaat Ahmadiyya Nederland hosted the flag of Nederland. Sadr Majlis Ansarullah Nederland hosted the flag of Majlis Ansarullah. Missionary In charge Nederland, Naeem Ahmad Warraich Sahib concluded the Flag Hosting ceremony with Silent Prayers.
Opening Session:
The first session of the 30th Ijtema 2017 began at 1600 hours with recitation of the Holy Quran followed by the Pledge of Ansarullah and a welcome address by Sadr Majlis for all present Ansar brother. The message kindly received from Hadhrat Khalifatul Messiah AlKhamis (may Allah strengthen his hand) for all members was read out at the end. Missionary Incharge Sahib Nederland Naeem Ahmad Warraich Sahib presented the first address which focus on the topic “The role of a Nasir as a head of Family and Tarbiyyat of Children”.
Sports & Academic Competitions
The first round of sports competitions were held after the opening session, including Table Tennis, Darts, Kalai Pakrana and Musical chairs were held. Winner for table tennis tournament was Kawsar Ahmad of Majlis Eindhoven, Kalai Pakrana match was won by Tahir Mahmood Malik of Majlis Rotterdam, and the Musical Chair tournament was won by Ismail Dempare of Majlis Amsterdam ZuidOost.
Following sports, academic competitions took place including Tilawat Qura’an-e-Kareem, Hifze Qura’an and Nazm. 1st prize for Tilawat Qura’an-e-Kareem went to Sheraz Haroon sahib of Majlis Eindhoven, Shaikh Abdul Malik sahib of Majlis Rotterdam stood first for Hifze Qura’an, whereas Mir Naim-ur-Rashid sahib of Majlis Amstelveen receives first prize for Nazm.
Day Two
Day two of the Ijtema commenced with Tahajjud followed by Fajr Prayers and Darsul Qura’an.
Sports Competition:
After breakfast, all Ansar brothers walked to a public playground near Bait-un-Noor. Located near the town centre of Nunspeet, this is where competitions for Potato race, Volleyball and Football were scheduled, all these competitions were successfully completed Sukhi Muhammad sahib from Majlis Zwolle won the Potato race competition, Both the Volley ball and Football tournaments were won by Nunspeet Region, and Ansar brothers returned back in Bait-un-Noor for afternoon prayers and lunch.
Afternoon Session:
After Lunch and Zohar & Asr prayers, the mid-session of the day was based on the Ijtema theme Nahno Ansarullah including a presentation on “History of Ansarullah”. The speech by Sadr Majlis highlighted the “Responsibilities of Ansar and The Istaqamat of Khalafat”. A presentation on Talim-ul-Quran & Waqaf-e-Ardzi was also held.
In early evening. a “Mushaira” was hosted by Bashir Ilyas sahib which was enjoyed by all. Some Ansar read their own poetry while a few Ansar recited the poems from “Dursameen and Kalam-e-Mahmood”.
Charity Walk Session and BBQ dinner
In the evening, a ceremony was held to present cheques of €2,500 each to UNICEF and Humanity First. This amount was raised on 20th May 2017 during the Annual Charity Walk. A BBQ and dinner was organized for all participants including representatives from UNICEF and Humanity First.
Day Three
Day three of Ijtema started with Tahajjud prayers followed by Fajr Prayers and Darsul Hadith.
Sports & Academic Competitions.
After breakfast, all Ansar walked to the sports field near Bait-un-Noor where Cricket and Tug of War competitions were held. Nunspeet Regional team also won the Cricket and Tug of war competitions. On returning from the Sports events, academic competitions took place in the Ijtema Gah. These included Test for religious knowledge, Speech (Prepared Speeches), Speech Competition (Extempore), Hifz-e-Qura’an and “Pass the Message” Competition. Prepared speech competition was won by Shaikh Abdul Malik sahib of Majlis Rotterdam, First prize for Speech Competition (Extempore) was awarded to Khalil Ahmad Amir of Majlis Den Hague. “Pass the Message” Competition was won by the Nunspeet regional Team.
Closing Session:
The closing session of the 30th Ijtema 2017 of Majlis Ansarullah Nederland commenced with recitation of the Holy Quran followed by the Pledge Ansarullah and Nazm.Nazim-e-Aala, Naseer Ahmad Tahir sahib presented the Ijtema Reports and Sadr Majlis addressed those reminding them of their role and encouraging them to participate in events. Amir Sahib Jama’at Ahmadiyya Nederland, distributed Prizes to all the winners in various Academic and Sports Competitions. The Alm-e-Inami for the year 2016 was presented to Arnhem. Nunspeet was received the award and Alm e Inaami for best region. Amir sahib concluded the session with a speech and silent prayers. A photo session was held with all participants after the session.
Alhamdulillah, there was representation of all 11 local Majalis during the Ijtema. The attendance during the 3 days of the Ijtema was 120 Ansar and 20 Guests. This was a small increase from last year.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]